Monday, March 11, 2013


Baby girl,

There is so much I want to thank you for. Our journey to today has seen great joy, frustration, vulnerability, relief and lots and lots of pure love. I am so thankful I got to experience it all with you.

I remember the early days when you were a sleepy newborn. You slumbered in your co-sleeper for hours and were easy to take on outings. You ate so well, which was a relief since you had jaundice and needed to gain weight. We had a few early trips to the doctor and a few finger pokes and you were a champ. I think of those dreamy days when the four of us were together all day with nothing to do but enjoy and take care of each other. We did it well, I think.

Then came the storm. You screamed and wailed for about three months, making going out or leaving your side difficult. So for that time, it was you and me. Mainly on the couch, or driving up and down 1-5 or sometimes going to Babies R Us because I knew they wouldn’t judge me there. I remember taking you every morning to the drive-thru Starbucks. You would scream the entire time and the people at the pick up window would look at me with such pity as I shouted my order over the commotion. But I did it anyway because we both needed to get out, and I definitely needed my coffee. Okay, and my chocolate chip banana bread.

We weathered the storm. We more than weathered it. I learned so much during that time – mostly that you were perfect to me no matter what and I’d do absolutely anything for you. Hopefully you learned the same.

Then there was the gut-wrenching transition to daycare and work. You were such a dream, adjusting so well and making your teachers fall in love with you instantly. They love you so much – they love to fix your hair and rock you to sleep and put you in pretty dresses. They know every detail of your day, and always hand you back to us telling you that they love you. You love them, too, and excitedly flap your arms every morning when you see them. We are blessed.

When I look at you, I see loveliness. You are the most beautiful girl in the world - in every way - and you make our lives rich, full, complete. Until I met you, I never knew that I so longed to have you, to take care of you, to watch you grow. It doesn’t seem real that I have a daughter – a perfect little baby girl who is so full of sweetness and innocence and strength – and I get to watch you grow. That is pure grace right there. That is total undeserved favor from God.

Today you are a daddy’s girl – completely obsessed with him. You follow him around everywhere he goes and put your arms up for him to pick you up. You are crawling fast and furiously and are so close to walking. You get annoyed with your brother easily. You are a super fan of going on walks and exploring and playing in your toy kitchen. You love putting anything in your mouth. I don’t know what you’ll ever do without your binky. You are a great sleeper. You babble a lot and say dada all day. You say mama sometimes, but not as much as dada (note, the obession). You love to clap and wave and give high fives. You have the best laugh. In the world. Watching you laugh is our favorite pastime – even brother's. You are starting to eat more foods. You are the squirmiest person alive.

You have big, soulful eyes and a crazy, blazing smile. You have wild, curly hair. Your dad is always nervous to put it up in a ponytail because he’s afraid he’ll mess it up.

I can’t believe our journey has already spanned a year. The time when you are supposedly not a baby anymore, but forget that – we know you’ll be our baby forever.

Thank you, little girl, for the amazing gifts you’ve given us. Thank you for filling my heart and world with all of your loveliness.

Love you forever,

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