Monday, February 21, 2011

due date.

a year ago today was my official due date. but was caleb ready to come out? noooo.

there i was, the picture of ready. my feet were a size and a half bigger. my legs had doubled in size. my stomach was a giant bowling ball. i only had one outfit that fit anymore. i remember it fondly. a black tank top and wide leg yoga pants that fit snug around my calves. it was pretty.

my skin was itchy. i mean unbearably itchy. and red. and when i tried to take an oatmeal bath, i couldn't get out of the tub. i was too large.

on the plus side, luke gave me foot massages on demand and i indulged in my last days of "eating for two" by devouring all of my cravings: sliders, egg mcmuffins and fruit smoothies (only if they were truly smooth, though). and i barely had to do any laundry (because, you know, just the black tank top and yoga pants).

and caleb. he just stayed put in there. he was comfortable and warm, so why bother leaving? that is so caleb.

i remember spending my days on the couch watching "bringing home baby" and "a baby story" (which, frankly, scared me out of my mind). i tried to eat spicy foods, go for walks and drink red raspberry leaf tea. i even tried bouncing ever so gently on a yoga ball (little did i know just how important that yoga ball would be later in life).

people would e-mail, text and call asking why he hadn't come yet. i'd wake up each morning thinking, could this be the day? could this be his birthday? would i fall asleep tonight cradling my newborn baby?

nope. each night, i'd waddle back to bed and spend a restless night cradling my pregnancy pillow.

he wouldn't come out for seven more days. SEVEN. at 40 weeks, that is an eternity. and even then, i had to be induced. and even after i pushed for three plus hours, he STILL wouldn't come out so i had to have a c-section.

knowing caleb now, this doesn't surprise me one bit. he does things his own way on his own time.

and looking back, no matter how big or how uncomfortable i was, an entire week all to myself with a designated foot massager at my disposal sounds a little bit like heaven.

note: i tried to find a picture from said week and couldn't find a single one. not surprised. i must have threatened anyone who came near me with a camera.

seven more days til my baby is 1!


  1. So cute nishy! U were a beautiful preggo. Can't believe we r a week away! What a blessing.

  2. For reals. And i think this is the only picture ever where his hair is under control!:) hehee

  3. Ohhhhh....I have a picture....I will search for it....I think you will love it...hehe!!
