Thursday, May 19, 2011

my funny little man.

my child is hilarious. i'm not taking credit, i'm just saying. i don't fully understand how a human who can't even talk yet can make me laugh so hard.

seriously, if he keeps this up, i'm canceling our netflix subscription because watching him is more entertaining than just about anything.

take, for instance, his dance moves. he bobs his head, twirls his torso, squats and throws his hands up to the sky. and the best is when he does this all at the same time.

or the games he makes up that are actually really fun. or the way he signs, "more," ... it kills me every time. or how, when i'm holding an animal cracker, he'll sit right where he is and folds his hands politely in his lap and wait for it. or how he waves at commercials and birds and balloons and random people in the grocery store. or how he wants to run anywhere ... uphill, downhill, on concrete or on grass. or how slides are his favorite, the higher and more twisty and windy, the better. or how he makes up different ways to walk just for fun. or how he lines up all his rubber duckies in the tub. or how he says "RAR" at his polar bear and "eeee OH" at his monkey. or how he beams at the sight of turkey sausage. or how he sits in his car seat holding his blue's clue's ghetto blaster and sings. or how he walks around the house carrying his balloon. or how he gets that mischievous look in his eyes when he tries to pull one over on us. or how he's the loudest one on the playground. or how serious he is about mixing beats on his keyboard.

i could go on. and i will.

or how even his own laugh is so funny. it's completely infectious. his amazing little giggle. sometimes he laughs so hard that he goes silent and all you can see are those happy eyes, those sweet cheeks and that caleb b. smile frozen on his face.

his smile is like sunshine to me. it beams. it warms me to my core. it fills me up.

we even have inside jokes already. i know. how? i don't know.

he is goofy. he is playful. he is quirky. he is full of life. my little man with his big, crazy, curls. there is no one else like him.

and there's no one else can make me laugh quite like he can.


  1. Your words are so touching and inspire us to be as good as parents as the both of you. Thank you for all of your inspirational words and advice. You two are truly great friends!

  2. you are amazing parents ... i'm always humbled by your example. thank YOU!

  3. whenever I have fears about motherhood, I need to read your blog! you make me want to have all the special memories that you capture in small moments. You are a beautiful mom! It's infectious Nisha!

  4. Caleb IS the best! We love you, Caleb B!
